O Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception, PRAY FOR US

Posts tagged ‘Newly repainted’

Our Lady’s Statue – As Good As New

The chapel of Immaculate Conception takes great pleasure in presenting the newly-repainted statue of Our Lady, that stands in the grotto within the chapel.


Our Lady in the Grotto - 6 APR 2019

The skilfully repainted statue of Our Lady, complete with her new crown, was unveiled at the chapel mass celebrated on Saturday, 6 April 2019.

Years of placing garlands around the statue of Our Lady, left  stubborn stains on her robes, hands and face, which proved difficult to clean and remove. Thankfully, a skilful artisan was finally found who expertly worked to give Our Lady a fresh look.

New Stand for Garlands: To ensure that Our Lady’s statue will not be subject to floral stains from now on, there is an allocated metal stand beside the grotto, on which all garlands should be placed.

Close up of garland stand

Garlands for Our Lady should now be hung on the metal stand at the side of the grotto. Thank you for everyone’s cooperation.

Stand for Burning of Candles: In addition, candles can only be lit on the candle stand which is located outside the chapel.


The chapel committee thanks all the faithful visitors for their cooperation and understanding – all in the interest of the chapel’s safety, as noted above.

We thank Our Blessed Mother for her powerful intercessions on our behalf.

Thank you Jesus.

God bless everyone.


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