O Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception, PRAY FOR US

Our Lady Surprises A Family

It was Wednesday, 12th November 2014 when Anama and her two sons, James and his younger brother Krishthoobor Raj visited the Chapel of Immaculate Conception in Sungai Batu.

Our Lady's Suprises

Surprise Of A Rosary

Kris went looking for a pair of scissors to trim the rose stalks the family had brought for Our Lady. However, the sink outside the chapel had been cleaned and cleared of everything. After finding a pair in a cupboard inside the chapel, he stepped outside again and this time, saw at the sink, a purse which was not there earlier.

He took it inside to show his mother and Francis (the chapel caretaker). Upon opening the purse, they discovered a beautiful rosary inside. Kris placed it at Our Lady’s feet in thanksgiving for the gift of a rosary. 

Our Lady’s Surprise Visit 

The following testimony was related by Anama and later corroborated by Francis (the chapel caretaker). Kris and Anama were praying inside the chapel at the grotto, while James was seated on the bench listening intently to Francis who was relating testimonies to him.

Kris had extended his arms out while praying when he ‘saw’ the statue of Our Lady smile and nod at him. He let out a cry and his arms became locked in his ‘praying position’.

ANAMA: At the same time, I became aware of someone standing beside me clothed in blue and white. I could not see her face, but I became so overwhelmed that I shouted out loudly, “Amma” (Mother)! I suddenly felt very weak, crying and shivering uncontrollably. I apparently spoke a strange unknown language before I fainted. I do not remember this part.

FRANCIS: James and I looked up towards the grotto when we heard a little shriek from Kris. At the same time, Anama screamed “Amma” and then started speaking in a strange language. She was also shivering and crying before she fainted. As she fell to the floor she did so without hurting herself – almost as if someone had eased her down gently.

When James heard his brother and mother, he looked up towards the grotto and suddenly saw that Our Lady’s eyes were blinking! It took him a brief moment to recover himself before he and Francis rushed to assist Anama who had fainted.

One week after the episode, the family was still trying to come to terms with their experience in the chapel. In fact, Anama related that for nine months before the visit, she had been having problems with her monthly cycle and the doctor had suggested menopause. However, the very next morning after their visit to the chapel, her cycle became normal again.

Testimony by:


Francis (the chapel caretaker)


November 2014


To read Anama’s earlier testimony She Makes Roses Bloom (please click here)And, K Raj’s (Krishthoobor Raj) testimony An Invitation From Our Lady (please click here to read it).

Comments on: "Our Lady Surprises A Family" (6)

  1. Emmanuel Lee said:

    i am so very pleased to know that such a testimony is still out there and clearly shows that Our Lady’s Holy presence will always be with those with FAITH.Thank you Anama, Francis,James and Kris for been God’s witnesses,in dependence on the supernatural power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

  2. I am very impressed by these three testimonies from Anama and her son Kris. When Anama broke out in tongues and then rested in the spirit, I am only curious to know how she actually felt and whether she had received any message. There is never a shadow of doubt that our Blessed Mother Mary loves all her children.

  3. […] Not surprisingly, she choses to share her blessings with her friends and family whenever she can.  Her previous testimonies can be read here (just click on the separate titles to read more): 1) She Makes Roses Bloom 2) An Invitation From Our Lady 3) Our Lady Surprises A Family […]

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